Monday, November 18, 2013

Trust in the Lord

Many of us have experienced how difficult life can be.  We have to make decisions based on our experience and capabilities.  However there are many instances where we just have to take on tasks blindly as there is simply no basis to arrive at a safe and sure decision.  Which I did.

Trust in the Lord.  We are Answering the Cry of the Poor!

CFC Orlando has been tasked to oversee Global Pinoy Singing Idol 2014, a huge task where our strength and confidence will be continued to be tested. This project was given to us in early 2013 in a meeting in Jacksonville. I was prepared to take on the ANCOP Coordinator responsibility particularly with the Walk as I had a template to follow (thanks to Bro Rodel Santiago).  However, I was caught unaware with the announcement that we were to take on a Golf tournament and GPSI 2014. We agreed and said, yes we can do this. I was eager and put my head to take on the challenge.

Along the way, I started to lose my footing as I looked at the GPSI project with my own eyes.  I could not even get myself to start planning properly.  Endless discussions led to disagreements that strained relationships.  Even my professional engagements started suffer.  I struggled, losing precious time and confidence in the future. I finally realized that I was not entrusting the work to God.  I was looking at it from my own eyes.  It was not working. I surrendered the tasks to Him one Sunday morning at church and eventually things started to fall in place.

As I write this, CFC Orlando has delivered ANCOP Golf with fantastic results.  We have heroes there led by Bro Noli Dayuta. We will now deliver the first phase of the GPSI project with the Orlando Pinoy Idol finals scheduled on Nov. 23.

We have great finalists, awesome ticket sales and a great team of organizers.  Our team of CFC Orlando led by Bros Roland Peralta and Noli Crisostomo have put in time, talent and treasure to make this happen. We cannot put a monetary value to the team and their work for the project as it is God's work. Priceless!

Once again He has delivered as we have put our trust in Him. We are doing His work for those who have less in life, a noble task that He has entrusted to us.  He is using Nov, 23 as our time to condition ourselves and flex our muscles as we prepare for the SouthEastern finals in January 2014 and the GPSI finals in April 5, 2014.

Let us just put one foot ahead of the other, knowing that He is walking with us!

He has steered us in the direction where we can dedicate all of our work for ANCOP Golf and Orlando Global Pinoy Finals for the rehabilitation of lives and property in the Leyte / Samar affected by Yolanda.

Trust in the Lord! Salamat Lord!

God is good!  All the time! God is good!

Bro Sonny

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