Sunday, September 22, 2013

At the Scott Hahn Conference

We all anticipated a rewarding experience at the Scott Hahn conference held at St Isaac Jogues Catholic Church on Septmber 21, 2013.

He had the crowd of over 600 in complete attention as he shared important teachings on the new evangelization, faith and mercy.

Dr. Hahn has written many books, published journals, and recorded many CDs and videos after his conversion from the Protestants into the Catholic religion.  He is a blessing to the Catholic fold and has been a very vocal personality in promoting and defending the Catholic faith.

He spoke for over four hours and touched on many topics of importance in today's world and below are some of the highlights...

...that the new evangelization

- has been emphasized by our popes in last 40 years.
- has a special focus on our "decatholicized" or "separated" brothers and sisters who have left the Catholic faith.
- is our supreme duty where we should share our faith.
- is to be eucharistic based where we should lead others to the Holy Eucharist.

Personal Note: His talk on the new evangelization left me with many questions about our very own evangelization efforts. We certainly have to improve in our "supreme duty" so that we can minister more to our brothers and sisters who have left the Catholic Church and at the same time reach out to others. We need to study the new evangelization teaching of the Church and align our evangelization with the new evangelization of the Church... be Holy Eucharist based.  

He shared many more ideas on forgiveness, faith, scripture and moments of joy in his life which will truly serve the attendees as words of inspiration to live by.

I noticed many of our brothers and sisters in the event and a number of them purchased books and CDs that will help them understand, share and defend our faith.  Amen!

The CFC Music Ministry provided the music at the event and you can find some pictures in this facebook link at the Scott Hahn Conference 

"to the greater glory of God"

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