Monday, January 5, 2015

CFC Florida 2015 Leaders Retreat

CFC Florida Leaders for 2015 gathered at St. Stephens's Christian Retreat Center for a 2-day retreat (January 3 and 4) with Fr. Nelson Javier of St. Patrick Catholic Church of Mt. Dora,

Photo: Day 2 of the retreat continued with more insights on the teachings of Pope Francis and the celebration of the Holy Mass.

- Jesus suffered more pain and anguish than all of ours combined, he who is sinless suffered more than us sinners
- Here is a new take on compassion---> feeling the suffering of others, putting the other person in your womb, to protect, nourish and save us; the church is like the womb, exemplifying compassion for others.
- Today is also Epiphany Sunday where Jesus is revealed to mankind. The magis offers Jesus gifts, Gold for Royalty, Frankincense for priestly dignity and Myrrh for anointing.
- The attendees exchanged love letters, a bit cheesy with loads of fun.
- Fr. Nelson also answered some theological Questions that enlightened 

It was time well spent to recharge and be empowered.

Bring on 2015!

Here are the highlights of the first day of the retreat.
- learned that the foundation of a retreat is in scripture, Mark 6:30-31
- Reconfirmed that marriage, between man and woman, is the foundation of society, necessary for its survival
- that 9 "Couples" of the Old Testament can teach us a lot on marriage --> love endures, the value of waiting together, etc...
- multiplication of the loaves in scripture is the generosity of God that we should anticipate as leaders amidst difficulty, Mark 6:34-44
- the compassion of the Church is truly evident in the Relatio document of 2014 ---> we need to preserve the basic foundations of the church based on divine and natural law
- And appreciated the balancing skills of CFC leaders, personal life and service to God and community in "honoring" each other.

Thank you Fr. Nelson of St. Patrick Catholic Church of Mt. Dora, He is an awesome retreat master, a Franciscan priest who truly shared his gifts with us. Mabuhay ka!

Day 2 of the retreat continued with more insights on the teachings of Pope Francis and the celebration of the Holy Mass.

- Jesus suffered more pain and anguish than all of ours combined, he who is sinless suffered more than us sinners
- Here is a new take on compassion---> feeling the suffering of others, putting the other person in your womb, to protect, nourish and save us; the church is like the womb, exemplifying compassion for others.
- Today is also Epiphany Sunday where Jesus is revealed to mankind. The magis offers Jesus gifts, Gold for Royalty, Frankincense for priestly dignity and Myrrh for anointing.
- The attendees exchanged love letters, a bit cheesy with loads of fun.
- Fr. Nelson also answered some theological Questions that enlightened 

It was time well spent to recharge and be empowered.

Bring on 2015!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Cardinal Tagle: On Servant Leadership

Many of us witnessed the sincerity and warmth of Cardinal Luis Antonio "Chito" Tagle during his recent visit in Orlando for the National Association of Filipino Priests in November 2014.

We all struggle at times in our service in CFC.  This is particularly for those that are at times overwhelmed with family, work and on top of which service to our brothers and sisters in CFC and people who we do even have any relationship with or are total strangers.

These three videos on Servant Leadership are a great inspirational as well as a teaching video which all of us must take the time to view and ponder upon.  It will enlighten many of us on what it means to be a Servant Leader.

These were first shared with us by Bro Orly Fajardo in the recent Florida AGT meeting in Lakeland Florida.

God bless!

Bro Sonny

Sunday, March 2, 2014

My ANCOP Prayer

Answering the Cry Of the Poor is a noble and difficult task.  Dear Lord, you have given us this huge responsibility and we cannot do this without you.  We ask you to

Nourish us each and every day. Provide us with the wisdom to understand the needs of the poor, be compassionate of their situation and be totally dedicated to their welfare.  Allow us our dear Lord to

Collectively work as a team in order to maximize your intended blessings for the poor.  Be in the center of our work dear Jesus, and enable us to see you in whatever we do for your children.  We ask the Holy Spirit to give us the courage to graciously

Offer our time, talent and treasure in our work for the poor, expecting nothing in return, aware that we are working for God’s greater glory.  Allow us to see the importance of this work, be your instruments of good and genuinely love the poor.  Heavenly Mother Mary, please help us

Pray for our work so that our activities will gain the favor of your son Jesus Christ.  We likewise ask that may God specially bless our work as we reach out to those with the means to help those who have less in life.  We affirm that all of these are possible only with God as we work in Answering the Cry of the Poor.


Note:  I was inspired to write an ANCOP prayer during Mass on Feb. 23, 2014. I mentally composed this prayer during my Blessed Sacrament visit on that day. I prayed on what to do next and publishing it is best.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 into 2014

2013, Obey and Witness, is done.
John 2:5, Do whatever he tells you.

2014, Behold and Ponder awaits us!

John 19:26, Woman behold your son.

Luke 2:51, His mother kept all these things in her heart.

We all have memories of many activities in 2013 and attempting to write about them will not suffice.  Take a few moments and see where you were, enjoy your memories and look forward to improving on them in 2014!

Pro-Life March, St. Augustine
Great Adventure Timeline, Orlando
Pro Life March in Jacksonville
Renewal of Vows, St. James Cathedral, Orlando

Stewardship, in Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Winter Park
Pro Life Vigil in Planned Parentood, Orlando
Youth Camp in Eustis
CLP in Holy Redeemer Church, Kissimmee

CFC Sportsfest in Florida
ANCOP Walk, St. Blanchard Park, Orlando
Scott Hahn Conference, St. Isaac Jogues, Orlando
CFC Eastern Conference, New Jersey

ANCOP Golf in Falcon's Fire, Kissimmee
CFC Sposnored Filipino Mass in Good Shepherd Church, Orlando
CFC HOLD Conference, Houston, Tx
Fall Festivals, Orlando and Altamonte

ANCOP GPSI Orlando Auditions, Orlando,
ANCOP Training, in Jacksonville
CFC and Youth Ministry Trining, Lakeland
SFC CLP in Orlando

ANCOP GPSI Finals, Orlando
Simbang Gabi at Anunciation Church, Orlando
Monthly General Assemblies and Teachings

Parties and Celebrations for milestones in our lives
Thanksgiving for lives shared with us

.... and others that are tucked in the recesses of your minds.

Thank you one and all for sharing your gifts with others.

Let us Behold and Ponder on Mother Mary's thoughts and God's awesome power, blessings and promise of even better days ahead.

Continue to pray that may we all have the enthusiasm, energy and the Holy Spirit to continue working for "God and His Greater Glory" in 2014 and in the years ahead.

Monday, December 2, 2013

GSPI Shirts

GPSI Shirts

Here are the GPSI shirts for our consideration,



Navy Blue

Royal Blue
