Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 into 2014

2013, Obey and Witness, is done.
John 2:5, Do whatever he tells you.

2014, Behold and Ponder awaits us!

John 19:26, Woman behold your son.

Luke 2:51, His mother kept all these things in her heart.

We all have memories of many activities in 2013 and attempting to write about them will not suffice.  Take a few moments and see where you were, enjoy your memories and look forward to improving on them in 2014!

Pro-Life March, St. Augustine
Great Adventure Timeline, Orlando
Pro Life March in Jacksonville
Renewal of Vows, St. James Cathedral, Orlando

Stewardship, in Sts. Peter and Paul Church, Winter Park
Pro Life Vigil in Planned Parentood, Orlando
Youth Camp in Eustis
CLP in Holy Redeemer Church, Kissimmee

CFC Sportsfest in Florida
ANCOP Walk, St. Blanchard Park, Orlando
Scott Hahn Conference, St. Isaac Jogues, Orlando
CFC Eastern Conference, New Jersey

ANCOP Golf in Falcon's Fire, Kissimmee
CFC Sposnored Filipino Mass in Good Shepherd Church, Orlando
CFC HOLD Conference, Houston, Tx
Fall Festivals, Orlando and Altamonte

ANCOP GPSI Orlando Auditions, Orlando,
ANCOP Training, in Jacksonville
CFC and Youth Ministry Trining, Lakeland
SFC CLP in Orlando

ANCOP GPSI Finals, Orlando
Simbang Gabi at Anunciation Church, Orlando
Monthly General Assemblies and Teachings

Parties and Celebrations for milestones in our lives
Thanksgiving for lives shared with us

.... and others that are tucked in the recesses of your minds.

Thank you one and all for sharing your gifts with others.

Let us Behold and Ponder on Mother Mary's thoughts and God's awesome power, blessings and promise of even better days ahead.

Continue to pray that may we all have the enthusiasm, energy and the Holy Spirit to continue working for "God and His Greater Glory" in 2014 and in the years ahead.

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