Sunday, December 21, 2014

Cardinal Tagle: On Servant Leadership

Many of us witnessed the sincerity and warmth of Cardinal Luis Antonio "Chito" Tagle during his recent visit in Orlando for the National Association of Filipino Priests in November 2014.

We all struggle at times in our service in CFC.  This is particularly for those that are at times overwhelmed with family, work and on top of which service to our brothers and sisters in CFC and people who we do even have any relationship with or are total strangers.

These three videos on Servant Leadership are a great inspirational as well as a teaching video which all of us must take the time to view and ponder upon.  It will enlighten many of us on what it means to be a Servant Leader.

These were first shared with us by Bro Orly Fajardo in the recent Florida AGT meeting in Lakeland Florida.

God bless!

Bro Sonny

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